Dewey Lateral Annual Meeting Notes—April 01, 2023

About Fourteen people showed up. Covered what all we worked on last year. Things we need to work on this year. 1) Main Ditch, needs piping. 2) Main Distribution Box needs repaired. 3) Pipe going under the driveway at the cottage house on Robinson. a) we will investigate pipe prices, concrete cutter, and renting a back hoe. 4) fix Jim's gates, leaking. We discussed taking sprinkler times back to what they were. Voted on that and now 4 homes alternate times so only one is using at any time. North End need man gates to get into their water. Voted to raise fees to $40 an acre. Voted to have two meetings a year. 1) one End of Mar through 1st April. 2) one at the end of the watering year to collect Dues for the next year. We are going to start sending out letters to collect Money when it is over due. We had elections, Predident: Joe Brunscheon Vice President: Andrew Evans Secratary: Garen Mccall Water master South Side: Jim Ashton Water Master Noth Side: Jeff Watson