Dewey Lateral Association
Aprin 12 2021
The meeting was on April 10, Clean up was also on the 10th and then on the 17th.
Due to the Corona virus we are asking you to use your own discretion in attending
the Water Association Meeting. Every land owner is responsible to clean their own ditch. The water will only be turned on when all the ditches are clean.
We still need to pay the dues so we can buy supplies and get the work done. So we will still be having clean up on the 10th and 11th at 17am, in front of Eddies House, same as last year. The address is 103 N Robinson.
We will have small groups go tackle different areas needing work. We ask the Elderly, or any one that has other risk factors, as well as anyone sick to not show up and their work fees will be waved this year. We will need everyone else to help.
If there is anyone that would like to be elected to the board, please indicate the interest and for what position.
Dewey Lateral Board.
March 14, 2020 Work needing done, from our walk of the ditch.
1. South Side
a. Main Culvert where it splits - has some cracks again, we can try to skim it with concrete, Or Foam for this year.
b. Concrete on Theresa's property were it splits, pipe needs concrete cracks fixed as well
c. Buds old place = needs to foam divert section
d. Free's old place - do we want to finish piping that section? 49' pipe and coupling
e. Tony - needs to foam the fivert concrete box, has cracks.
f. Tony's onew neighbor - the ditch needs cleaned out with the tractor.
g. House on the corner of Joe and Robinson - ditch needs cleaned out and made deeper.
h. 36 Robinson - Yellow house - needs grate cleaned out. Robinson Lane - the concrete box has a lot of Gravel and rocks, needs cleaned out
i. Scotts old house - it would be nice to add a riser Tee and finish connection the pipes. Ditches need cleaned out.
j. Where Dave gest watter a riser and two gages.
k. Garry Lueck - his ditch needs cleaned out.
2. North Side
a. The new ditch on the south end of Travis's property does not flow well and overflows into the south side by Eric's.
b. 5810 Joe's waste watter runs east onto 5900 Joe and 5906 Joe, flooding.
c. Split in pond on 5906 Joe needs head gates tightened.
d. Backfill pipe we added last year on 6019 Howard. Possibly clean up blue barrell.
e. Pipe through 6119 Leland North of Eddie. 225'
f. Y in ditch south of Trivis needs cleaned up. It would be best to replace the old concrete pipes with head gat slot with a real Y.
Dewey Lateral Board.
Meeting and 1st clean up for this year.
The meeting had a better than usual showing.
The North side will figure out their watering times so we can put it up on the web.
Addresses changed on the dirt road Robinson Blvd to E Bolter Ln.
The Existing board was voted in again. Joe: President, Eddie :Vice President, Andrew: Secretary, Jeff: North Side Representative.
Clean up went well, Dug and cleaned up main ditch off the Main Connell.
Dug and cleaned the ditched down from Tony.
Cleaned 36 Robinson.
Dug out box on E Bolter Ln.
Dug and cleaned roots out of ditch on E Bolter Ln.
Dug ditch off back of Joe.
5810 Joe needs to manage their waste water.
Foamed several boxes.
If you did not make it on the 10th, you still have the 17th at 9am at 103 N Robinson.