Dewey Lateral Association
March 18 2020
The meeting on the 28th has been canceled.
Due to the Corona virus and 10 person maximum groups, We are going to skip
the Water Association Meeting. Every land owner is responsible to clean their own ditch. The water will only be turned on when all the ditches are clean.
We still need to pay the dues so we can buy supplies and get the work done. So we will still be having clean up on the 4th and 11th at 9am, in front of Eddies House, same as last year. The address is 103 N Robinson.
We will have small groups go tackle different areas needing work. We ask the Elderly, or any one that has other risk factors, as well as anyone sick to not show up and their work fees will be waved this year. We will need everyone else to help.
If there is anyone that would like to be elected to the board, please indicate the interest and for what position.
Dewey Lateral Board.
March 14, 2020 Work needing done, from our walk of the ditch.
1. South Side
a. Fix the corner in Jims pasture that covers the last three homes on victory.
b. 43 & 16 feet of pipe one gate at 93 Robinson
c. 38 feet of pipe and two callars at 73 Robinson.
d. Clean Ditch at 23 Robinson.
e. Gate for Joes water.
2. North Side
a. 47 feet white pipe and Tractor work.
b. Clean out ditch by Joe lane and Pit.
Dewey Lateral Board.